From your Secretary, Terry Taucher Collins:

The Secretary shall record the minutes of all Executive
Committee, Board of Directors and, when appropriate, General
Membership meetings, and file them in minute books as permanent
records belonging to the Club. Draft copies of the Executive
Committee or Board of Directors minutes shall be mailed, e-mailed, or
sent via a recordable media to each Executive Committee member or
Board of Directors member, respectively, within ten business days
after said meeting(s). After the minutes have been approved by the
Board, they shall be available to the members. Copies of all pertinent
correspondence of the Club shall be filed with the Secretary of the
Club. The Secretary shall keep copies of Club correspondence in a
Club file. The Secretary shall maintain and have custody of all of the
permanent records of the Club. The Club shall have a seal and logo.
The seal shall be kept in the office of the Secretary and such person
shall be its custodian. The Secretary shall draft and maintain all
resolutions of the Executive Committee and/or Board of Directors. In
the event it is not possible for the Secretary to attend any meeting
enumerated above, it shall be the duty of the President to appoint an
Acting Secretary at such meeting only for the taking of the Minutes. It
shall be the duty of the Secretary to obtain the original of the Minutes
and Resolutions from such Acting Secretary for purposes of the
permanent records. It shall be the duty of the Secretary to advise the
President on the status of pending action items assigned in previous
meetings. The Secretary shall oversee the maintenance and updating of
the membership roster and be responsible for all mailings.

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Gator Snow Ski & Activities Club
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